Friday, December 14, 2012

Golden Samurai Helmet

Hey Jammers! In epic wonders there is a GOLDEN SAMERAI HELMET! it's really cool, and it's only 2500 gems. Stop by Epic Wonders today to pick it up!

Posted by:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jamaaliday Scarves

Jamaaliday Scarves came out today in Jam Mart! They come in various colors and are non member. What could be next?
Posted  by:

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jamaaliday Bows

Hey Jammers!

In Jam Mart Jamaaliday bows returned! What next jamtastic holiday item will return?


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Three horned armour

Hey Jammers!
                       Here's the newest item in Epic Wonders! It looks a lot like a knight armour. What could be next?

Be safe, Play WILD!, and jam on!

KeyBoard controls

Hey Jammers!
                       Your character can now be controlled using the arrow keys! What a great update!


Saturday, December 1, 2012


Sorry Jammers, Animal Jam is currently Offline. AJHQ is installing updates and fixing error bugs.

Be safe, play wild, and jam on!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas gifts!

Have you read the over heard notice yet? Christmas gifts will be sent out starting tomorrow! All you have to do is log on everyday to claim your gift! Maybe the first will be red and green tops? who knows!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Red and green tops

Hey Jammers!
                      For the Holidays I just want one favor, VOTE for red and green tops! My close acquaintance( picture above) sent me this and said "Post it on your blog, so everyone knows!" She also wanted to say how to do this:

1. Go to the Clothes shop
2. click the purple bubble
3.ENTER: red and green tops
4. enjoy the awesomeness of the new item soon and hopefully to come out :D
5. the more votes, the closer we are to getting them! :D

Be safe, play wild, but most importantly... Jam on!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


My new video, taken from an insurance add. The sound was taken off, so I added words to fit what they said. (not in the real add).

New animal

Hey Jammers!
                      A new animal is being tested! This person is the first to ever get to try it out, hopefully they will come out with them and everyone will be able to try them! Sorry the username cannot be disclosed. If they come out as membership cards check places like wallmart, safeway, and best buy. Be safe, play wild, and Jam on!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

2000 Viewers!

Hey Jammers!
                      the blog hit 2000 views, thank you! For looking at my blog, I will throw a blog party chat! This means that i'll post something that looks like this:

                              and when you see it, start commenting and throw a party in the chat!

New items!

Hey Jammers!
                      Dandelions and Pilgrim Hats are in the stores! Funny that they say its "new" for pilgrims, because they've been out before. Hope you enjoy these jamtastic items, be safe, play wild, and JAM ON!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Something to put in my schedule!

Hey Jammers!
                       I'm on a slow schedule today, so I decided to move away from AJ from a bit, and show you Feral Heart! On this game you can play as a lion, or a wolf.( i prefer the wolves) So you can also make your own presents! If your a beginner don't worry about presents, they are extremely hard to make; and you need to download Gimp2.5 or photoshop to layer the markings, color it, then export, and ect. So this took me like.... a month? OK maybe less, but it was still tricky. Now I'm just downloading pre-made presents by other people on DA (deviant Art). Which also brings up.... I'm going to make a DA soon! When it's up, I'll let you know where it is, and I'll put a link on my blog.

Going back to Feral Heart.... So here's the video, enjoy!

Posted by:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Presidential Debate

Hey Jammers!

Which side are you on? Who will you vote for?
Republican: Romney
Democrat: Obama

Please no cussing, or rude comments. Have a nice clean debate!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sorry Jammers!

My background got stuck, so I will be trying to fix it to put up the new background. Until then, try to cope; I'm very sorry.

However, I will be starting a NEW blog! Called..... eh you'll have to wait! Sorry! Anyways, it's going to be about the life of a Jammer. Now who is that? me! I won't be talking about drama and all that dopey stuff. It will be about the casual life, but built to be enjoyed by all of you!
Hope you read and follow up on the updates this weekend!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Glitches that will make your head spin!

Hey jammers!
                      Today I went on a glitch hunt, to find funny glitch pictures! Here's the ones i got today:

Halloweens' tommorow

Be safe trick-or-treating! :)

From: areyoukittenmeh, vampirekittyXD,lexie1234,infinitymagicheroisback(left earlier), and 1ksm.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Hurricane sandy!

Hey jammers,
                      A hurricane is coming! A hurricane is coming! This means you should follow these instructions to be safe:
~do not go outside when the Hurricane is producing high winds past 50 MPH.
~Lights and powerlines may go, if you have a generator, use it! :) Have candles, and light sources not run on electricity.
~Halloween is coming, if the Hurricane doesn't end till halloween. Be careful trick-or-treating!


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Clockwork: new series!

This is my new series! clockwork! It's awesome, and though i've only made the intro and first episode, it will get even better! Hope you watch it!
Intro to clockwork
Clockwork: episode 1

Friday, October 19, 2012

Artic Wolf

Hey jammers!
 So I went on the Artic wolf search, went to card is only at Walmart); and got this:

New Membership Plus Artic Wolf avatar. Happy howling!
(click the Link above to go to the Walmart page with the Membership card!)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

New jamtastic stuff!

Sorry Jammers,
                        I haven't been posting a lot, i've been super buisy. Here's the list of new things out:
clothing items
~vampire mask
~creature mask
~butterfly mask           <---------- all member, sorry non mems :C
~elf leg armour
~flower glasses

den items
~bamboo fence(non mem)
~scared pumpkin (mem)
~angry pumpkin(mem)
~suprized pumpkin(mem)              

Sunday, September 30, 2012

In magical forest

In magical forest

AJMC: are you up for the challenge?

Hey jammers!
                      There's a new opportunity to make yourself a hit! It's called the AJMC! Animaljam music crew! Make sure to visit my channel on youtube and scroll down to the video: speed of love to see the directions. REMINDER: Improv tests are tests that you have to be creative and follow a theme, by acting on YOUR on script. Two or more people can participate during improv tests; but they will be graded separately.

are YOU up for a star career?

Friday, September 14, 2012

jammers gone mute!

hey jammers! This is very unusual, all of a sudden every jammer went mute! If you've tried typing something and no one replies, its because this is happening to everyone! My bffl even got suspended after logging off! Plus no one can contact AJHQ because they are out of business hours for now! I'm very sorry this happened. Tomorrow if you can, contact AJHQ about this issue, or send a help request. Hopefully this problem will be resolved by tomorrow, and jammers will be able to chat with each other. Use the bubble options/given sentences till then stay calm, and jam on!

Alot of jammer gathered in the chamber of knowledge trying to communicate with each other using the chat bubbles to talk. Im impressed. We are all very smart kids!

2nd year in the making!

hey jammers! This was in the daily explorer, and it caught my eye. A lot of things are bolded, which means beta could be coming back! This means tops, freedom wings, scary bat wings, pilgrim hats, and much MORE! You've been playing for 2 years, why quit now, the fun has JUST started!

There has also been concerns of a lot of people quiting! D: this is VERY bad. VERY,VERY BAD!
1. because if you hear of someone else who has decided to quit, don't be forceful upon them and think that they are quiting so they can gain publicity. WRONG! They are quiting because of RARES AND BLOGGERS! and probably other reasons!

2. it doesn't matter how rare you are! You ARE a jammer, and every JAMMER is created equally! Sure being rare makes you cool, but whats more important? friends or rares? hopefully you'd say friends, because AJHQ's main goal is to keep everyone happy! So eventually they WILL bring back beta stuff! The only things that aren't coming back; which I'm sorry to break it to you are: skullies, non mem pirate swords, grey tops, green tops, and grey wings. (so far and as much as i can think of)

3. You joined AJ at first to make friends, not to shove rares in each others faces, and claim that the people with rarer stuff, are cooler. I cringe when someone feels bad that they say I'm cooler then them, I'm not! Every jammer is cool! Who needs rares, when you can have an awesome personality, and friends!

anyways, here's the paragraph from the daily explorer:(click to enlarge to full size)

want to be supplied with more info?

here's my facebook page URL. If you send me a friend request consider it may not be excepted, I'm running advirtising on my FB page, not to linger with jammer, no offense but commericial commerce is better on FB then blogspot. Anyways, hope you follow my blog, if you can follow me on FB that would be great. I do not have a my space or twitter. And I'm not the same person on feral heart with the user areyoukittenmeh! (if anyways curious, my user is labrnythgriffons on FH) Plus I'm not joined with the endless forest, istaria, club penguin, or toon town. (most likely they are someone else!)

here's the url, sorry i like to get all the details down first! ^.^!/areyou.kittenmeh

my plaque is BACK!

Hey jammers! recently I've been longing for my plaque! i happen to find someone with one! i offered them planet walls( i had extra) and boom! here's me jumping like a syco on jelly beans and lemonade!

2nd birthday party party glitch :))

hey jammers! i just recently figured this out by myself :) -pats self on back- ^.^ i will walk you through one of the ways to do it.

first stand in the top left corner next to the two! (2)

 open a players card up and click the game icon, then your going to click the "A" and.....
              you'll be on this thingy :P, now........
go to the left and walk up and over the green frosting to get on the wall.......

your on the wall! 

new code!

hey jammers! I'm very sorry i haven't been updating my posts :C but it's because of school, and I'm trying to get pawsome grades :D anyways, the code is birthdaybash

here's my bunny blowing the candle out, and celebrating the 2nd AJ BDAY!

Thanks jammers for playing on AJ, we couldn't of done it without you!
~AJHQ & areyoukittenmeh

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hey jammers!

My friend came up to me and asked: whats everything you have? good question! Most jammers are curious how rare i am, but i don't feel that rare, not to draw attention or anything, BUT! Because she asked i've decided to make a creative poster with some of the stuff i have! like WHAT! anyways :) here it is, click it to enlarge it to full size. till then jam on!

please take note that the list at the top is my den items, and the one at the bottom is my clothing. The title for both doesn't mean anything is free or for trade. Thanks!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

film fest 2012- COMING SOON!

hey jammers! film fest 2012 is right around the corner.... in October! Technically this is called Oktoberfest, but it's Halloween films created by jammers like yourself! On the left top side of my blog is a tab that says film fest 2012, enter now! you should! because the winners and their videos will be posted on the film fest blog after i get enough entries! So far I've seen alot of awesome video's, but there is alot more room for more! A total of 10 videos will be posted if the entries are low. If i get alot of entries, the max will be bumped up to room for 20 videos. The top star winner will get a jamtastic award, and a picture taken with me! (plus an autograph!) There's only room for one top winner, but the rest will be still posted, you could become famous! The rules are posted in the blog, all you have to do is follow them and entries are being excepted by October 1st.

~to claim your autographed picture,i will send a gram to the top winner and i will send a friend request, your reward. Post your email with your entry in the film fest blog. If you have any questions, send an email to!

Film fest is around the corner!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

monkeys are back!

hey jammers!
                     Monkeys finally returned from their extinction! Hopefully if loads of jammers keep their monkeys they won't go again. Try out every animal, you could be suprized how fun they are to use!


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

chocolate is mud!

hey jammers! i've known this for a while but i've decided to blog about something random, chocolate IS mud! now what exactly does this mean? :P well, here's my wolf in the chocolate bath...

and here's my wolf in the mud.... they both look the same!!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012


pig tails are from beta, and they are very rare. (ok well the black is.... and other un common colors...) Anyhow, me and mah friend took them out on our bunnies :P happy pig tail day jammers!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

almost there!

jammers! AJHQ was sent out a message from donating....!
I just want to say THANKYOU so much for donating! Monkeys are going to go banana's when they return! Save up your gems, because they'll be here before you know it!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


52 days from now my membership exspires! Well, there arn't going to be any posts at the end of september because im leaving when school starts. But i will come back next summer, and there will be a treat for everyone to enjoy! Be safe, play wild, and jam on!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Caring for a pet turtle is quit easy! You need to make sure your turtle has enough room to live in because turtles love to roam around. They also need light because turtles need to keep warm in order to survive like in the wild! So you can purchase a basking lamp at a near by pet store. However too much light isn't good for turtles, so made sure your pet turtle gets enough shade too. You can fill their enclosure with things they like in the wild like rocks and sticks. Other basic things your pet turtle will need is moisture and clean water. You should change the water dish every day to keep your turtle nice and healthy. Most turtles love to swim, so your pets tank should have water for them to swim around in. During the day you should keep the tank at 80 degrees so they can stay warm, and 70 degrees at night for when they are ready to sleep! Also, turtles love vegetables, You should feed your turtle carrots and lettuce as a basic diet! Remember to take care of your turtle daily and keep it happy and healthy. Turtles are an awesome addition to Animaljam!



Congradulations jammers! We have hit 90,000 gems for donating! For doing so, AJHQ is bringing back the monkeys if we hit 100,000 gems! So keep donating and the monkeys will be here before you can say bananas!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Another update!

Animaljam is offline... AGAIN! I'm guessing they are having server problems because it took me 10 minutes to get in after choosing my server! I'm sorry this happened but you'll just have to wait again. Till now check out my other blogs and remmember to follow the AJG! Hope to see you soon in aj. Be safe, play wild, and jam on!

the AJA- animaljam adventure blog

the AJP- animaljam party blog

the AJT- animaljam twin blog

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Hey jammers, Animaljam went offline for a bit. I'm not sure how long this update is going to be for, so just keep checking in and hopefully you can start jamming again! What i am thinking is what they are updating, because it's been a while since the last one. It could be something big like the return of monkies. However, it's a little soon to be already at 100 million gems for the donations, you think? I don't know exactly when monkies are coming back either. To speed up the pace, donate every day! Play jamtastic games like falling phantoms and overflow! Hope to see you back in AJ! Be safe, play wild, and jam on!



Hey Jammers! This is really cool, when giraffes sleep with beards on(not pirate beards) they look like tongues! I got bored so i decided to test it out, and yes in this picture I'm licking her foot... Anyways, if you have a beard from the Leap year party, or from beta this is definitely something to try out.

However some animals like tigers or lions could turn on you O.O, just be careful jammers. For now, Be safe, play wild, and jam on!

Star Gazer :3

This took me 5 minutes to do, all i had to do was snip out the moon and place it with the stars. This is eternalspiritclaw gazing up at the stars and the moon.

Epic wonders Glitch

Some jammers ask, how do i do the epic wonders glitch? So here it is, step by step. ^-^

First, stand in the top corner. As long as your close to the side, the glitch will be easy.
                                                        Now, open a players card up.


        Your going to click the waterfall, or above it(not seen in this pic) then click a game in the players card, and exit.


when your running you won't automatically go on the wall, so when you get about half way there, click where mah bunny(pouncingspiritpaw) is standing.

                                      And your on the wall! Be careful not to step off. If you want to go on the waterfall, change animals, and as the green Aura is still there walk onto it, and if you want to get off and go back onto the wall, do the same.