Thursday, February 14, 2013

Paradise Party and more

Hey Jammers!
                     A new News Paper came out, and with lots of suprizes and new items in stores!
 First off, Happy Valentines day! Did you check out Jam Mart, and the pawsome clothes! Heart antenennae Head bands, and Heart Glasses came out!

Make sure to pick them up, because they'll leave soon! Just like every Holiday. Also, the Friendship party has more items!

    Lot's of pawsome den items!

Remember, don't use these items to scam others! It isn't nice, and it's against the rules! To prevent other Jammers from ruining Valentines day, press the report button, and scroll down to "Scamming!"

Have a PAWSOME Valentines Day!    

Additionally, National Geographic has been running for 125 years! Will you celebrate?

   The prize for the Birds-Of-Paradise is a paradise throne!
                                                                         Here's a picture from the Journey Book of the birds.

 Raccoons are coming out soon! Also, the winning hat will be out soon! What will it be, and who won? keep checking the AJ Society to find out, and the Daily Explorer!

Lastly, congratulations to the Winners of the Best Buddy Contest!

Be safe, Play wild, and Jam on!


Friday, February 8, 2013

New blog things

Hey Jammers!
As you can see, I completely renovated the blog. This look is official, and will no longer be changed, except for the background, on holiday events. Also, I added a callender, so Jammers can see what days events are going on! I may put a list bellow it with the days, so you will know a head of time. Keep up the recremendations, and I'll always keep supplying everyone with updates, glitches, and loads more!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Heart Earmuffs

Hey Jammers! Heart Earmuffs came out in the Cocoa Hut. Make sure to pick up a pair, who knows how long they'll stay!

Posted By:

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Heart Balloon, new Updates

Hey Jammers!
                     Sorry the blog has been having major changes, but I promise it will soon have a permanent look. Also, Heart Balloons came out! Super pawsome! Tons of Jammers already bought them, and they won't stay in the stores forever!

Heart Blankets came out in the Cocoa Hut.
Lastly, Enjoy the friendship party!

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hatapalooza over, New Update

Hey Jammers!
Have you noticed Hatapalooza is over? Jammers bought top hats, freedom hats, to rare hats!

Heart Necklaces came out in the Underwater clothing shop, and Amethyst birthstones came out in Epic Wonders. Remember, the Birthstones only are in stores for the month, then they change!

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Hatapalooza over, new updates

Hey Jammers!
Did you know Hatapalooza is over? Many Jammers bought top hats, freedom hats, to rare hats!

Also, in Epic Wonders, the new birthstone for Febuary is an Amethyst! It costs 1,500 gems. Remember to pick up the gemstone each month!
