Sunday, August 19, 2012

this month~the story

hello jammers,
                       this month has been pretty bad for me I'll get down to the story in a second. But first i want to ask a couple things.

1. don't take it that I'm asking for rares or being selfish. I've been having a rough time on aj
2. Please don't send me anything if you think it will resolve the problem, i can work it out.
3. If for any reason you call me: rude, mean, inconsiderate, or just blah, reconsider what you think, and what I'm going through.

So here's the story:
                              I've in countered many people on aj and this month brought a lot of really ranged jammers going from normal to epic, to extraordinaire. Anyhow, last week i was planning on quiting because of school and truthfully(like I've always been) i need to kick in with grades. Some Jammers take it that when someone quits they 1. ask for their rares or 2. make fun of them
Both have happened to me, is it my fault i want to quit? or is it that no one understands that it was my choice. This HUGE scammer came into my den(it was unlocked) and came strait up to me and tried to explain to everyone that i was telling i was quiting for more rares, and publicity. WRONG, i was telling all my FRIENDS that i was quiting because i would miss them a lot and i care More about friends then rares. Go ahead and criticize me, what will it do? Up rise more jammers thinking I'm a waste of space. Well if that's the case my audience shouldn't read such a thing I've spent time to explain all facts to prove I'm NOT a rare hog. If your wondering who the scammer is, his user is uradic and he switched previously from captainnobody. This week i went to a friends den, a lot of really epic people where pouring in, and i felt conscious that most of these jammers where beta testers. I kept telling myself, there's always going to be someone better than you. There's no point trying to hide it. It was my fault for baling out and saying"I'm useless and everyone in this room is way better than me." However, if you stepped into the room, with only a sword and a catchy pattern, you would of thought the same too.(i wasn't wearing just a sword, i was using my bunny) No matter how much it amounts to me that if i knew about aj earlier i would of been in the beta times. Congratulations that i missed it a couple months after i found about aj. If Jammers call you greedy for thinking you should quit over rares is no the case. They actually are annoyed that you say you will quit, when you keep coming back. If there not even your friends, why would i of listened, because i never did to anyone who tried pulling me down, however i cried those moments i couldn't do a thing. I did come back and wanted to use the rest of my membership( 2 months) then go into school mode. Supposedly it ticked off one of my friends gingerpaw(###). I came to her den to tell her i was staying for a little bit. She took right away action and blamed me for asking for rares. Then she sneered and showed me her flooring was glitched out. I wanted to know, but she said " i don't tell ANYONE for free" Well, if you understand what that means, she thinks I'm rude and a rare hog. I said, i have use full supporters unlike you, your not a good friend.  That's so far what I've been going through, if you have any questions I'll answer them if they are not rude or impolite. Thank you to everyone who supports me all the way i have bad times in aj. I hope i can move through this, and it won't cause any chaos.     

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