Sunday, July 28, 2013

Epic Wonders, Koalas and New items

Hey Jammers!
                     Sorry I've been so busy to post, but I'm sure I'll get back to it. I'll probably have more views if I keep posting :c... gaw, took me already a year <:C

Anyways, Here's the two newest clothing items to Epic Wonders!

Looks like Native American jewelry right? They look very cool on Arctic Wolves. Here's an inspired look:

Lastly, Welcome back koalas! They've finally came back with Cosmos. And you may ask, where exactly is Cosmos? He's getting the NEW ADVENTURE ready! Possibly by the end of the month, it'll be up, and Cosmos will assist you through your Journey! Possibly a hard mode will be put in after the phantom portal is beta tested.

Lastly, Jammers have spotted items coming out of the Hard Mode in the first adventure!
The items seen were rare backpacks, REAL musketeer boots, and tie dye shirts.

So that's all for today. What a long post 0.0. Have a wonderful time in Jamaa!


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Epic Star Hat

Hey Jammers! Today Epic Sun Hats came out in the Summer Carnival, pretty cool! I wonder what the next one will be :P.... It seems to be day and night related things. Does this mean something new is going on in Jamaa?

Also, AJHQ keeps messing with the Member settings! A week ago it displayed the days, I think even yesterday too! Wierd huh? They still haven't fixed this, the buddy glitch/ removal glitch, but managed to stop most of flash trading because they've banned Jammers from saying the word: "flash" and it takes even longer to trade now.

Lastly, the News on Jamaa's newest animal member, the Kangaroo! My best friend, Neonsplashkitty emailed AJ and asked them about the Kangaroo's; well, reporting back, I've got great news! Kangaroo's will be sold globally all around the world! It could be later this month, or next month. Jammer central in Jamaa township gives away good hints to whats coming up! Also, read the golden messages sent out by AJHQ; some of them are very informative.

That's all for now! Be safe, Play wild, and Jam on adventurers!
(P.S: the new adventures will be launched soon)

Friday, July 5, 2013


Heya Jammers! Sorry I've been off and on to what to do, because my blog isn't getting many views :P and I've quit multiple times. You know.. I'm just gunna... come back :D

yesh I will be posting way more and about as much as possible, maybe 2-3 posts for things a day.

In other wonderful news, Sun Hats came out in the summer carnival.

That's all for now ^~^/)
