Hey Adventurers!
I finally have enough time to post more often, which means a couple things. You can
still send pictures and artwork to
aareyoukittenmeh@gmail.com and I will post them, no matter what! (as long as it's Animal Jam related)
Second, items going on clearance, Monday Rares, epic Jammer of the month, and epic Item of the month,and
MORE will be posted!
First up on the list, The Monday rare! Finally Jammers can claim it. Drum roll please....!
Rare flower glasses!
It really screams spring! Do you think AJHQ attentionally made this Monday Rare Spring themed?
Next, Some interesting things in the News Paper....
Cute little plushies sold at Animal Jam outfitters! They even come with their own rolling up den item.
Now that Koalas are gone, and they won't return for a while, there's news of a Quest.....
Could this mean a new area? Or do we FINALLY get to see the Alphas?
What do you think Jammers?
A photo Booth opened up, Sweet! I made an official profile picture using my main character, BarronessSnowyIvy. The downside, it costs 50 gems to save it! Use snip if you only want it as a profile picture, it saves you your gems.
Lastly, AJHQ released an extra Member spring gift Spirit Head Armour!
I think it fits perfectly into our Jamaassian Culture (as Snowyclaw says ^-^)
Hope your enjoying Animal Jam to the fullest! AJHQ updated AJ yesterday very late, but it's up again ^-^
Any questions? Comment below!
~your guide for Animal Jam,~