Sunday, July 29, 2012

July Jammer of the month!

The jammer of the month for july is.......

Congrats! Sorry to the other jammers who didn't make it, i'll keep looking! jam on!

Summer Carnival

New plushies have arived at the Summer Carnival! You need to play alot to get enough tickets to buy them. In my opinion, the fastest way to earn tickets, is playing phantom ball. Good luck jammers!

Beta Item of the Month!

good news jammers!
                                 Every month i will also be posting a Beta item of the month! Now, what exactly does this mean? It means that if i catch enough people talking about a Beta item, i will blog about it!
Right now I just got my mira back, and it's probably Beta, i don't know because i wasn't from Beta. Anyways, here's the pic of my mira from my fantasy castle den.
What will be the August Beta item? Keep checking in to see!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


So whats the hubahuba about beta tiara's? recently people are going nuts for them! so says my friend." people easily trick others with the new tiara that's in the jam mart. The only diffrence, is that the beta tiara has a purple gem. Many people make trades too fast, and it ends up that she/he gets scammed."

yes, my friend was right. You should be careful, because they look alot alike. Some people have already taken advantage of the tiara's.

              beta tiara

             New tiara


greeting jammers!
                            Not only do i have a blog, but i also have a Youtube channel! It's jam packed with secrets,glitches, and more!

my channel: animaljamandcp

Thankyou to the 8,000 viewers who visited and watched my videos!       
jam on!

Jammer of the month

Jammers i have AWESOME news! i mean.... pawsome!!!

Lately i've been thinking my blog needs some activities and interesting things on it. So, starting in August im going to be posting a "jammer of the month" award! Each month a jamtastic jammer who can prove he/she is the jammer of the month, you could be posted on my blog! Plus a photo will be taken of you, next to the blog owner herself! Keep in touch with me, I'll be watching everyone to see their progress! be safe!play wild!and jam on!


Animaljam Outfitters~HummingBirds

Greeting Jammers!
                              Humming Birds have been out for a while but there's one thing that keeps bothering me. you have to pay for them with real money! not gems! It funds all the money to Animaljam to keep it up and running. If you think the same, please comment! I'd love to hear what you think about Hummingbirds!

Jamaliday Jam in July?

I know this is a late blog, but i needed something to blog about and share.
So the two new party's are the freedom party and the Jamaliday Jam. Ususally the Jamaliday Jam would be up around December, but you know the saying "Christmas in July".... well, i quess that's why they put it up.

Last month, they put up the freedom party. You can buy fireworks, watch the fireworks, and buy freedom hats on the right corner of the party.

New animal!

For the first time on Animaljam, foxes have come! They are super cool!
Sadly, they are for members only. But don't get your hopes down if your a non member. :) With your parents Permission you can purchase an Animaljam giftcard at stores like TOYSRUS, Safeway, and bestbuy! They only cost 15$ and you get a lion, castle den, 3 month membership, loads of gems, and much more!

News Crew Assignment

Hello jammers!
                        Today when i visisted The Daily Explorer I noticed There is a News Crew Assignment! If your interested in applying, stop by The Daily Explorer to read more about it.
All entries are due August 1st,You send them to Jammer Central, with a screenshot.

Things about me!

hello jammers!
I am a new blogger, and i want you to journey with me through out jamma on wild and jamtastic adventures! But first, i want you to get to know me better before we embark on our journeys. Here's some things about me:

favorite books: A tree grows in brooklyn
Following Atticus
Breaking Dawn

Personality: nice
loves to blog <3

Favorite songs: Wide awake~Katy Perry
Lemonade~ Alexandra Stan
Mr saxobeat~Alexandra Stan
get back asap~Alexandra Stan
Darkside~Kelly Clarkson
Starships~Niki mnaj
Dynamite~Tio Cruz
We no speak Americano~Yudo..something.... :I

cant wait to see you in jamma! be safe, play wild, and jam on!
